Muyang Mountain is a tea terroir, which we have been exploring and enjoying more and more. We think that this relatively unknown tea mountain produces some of the best leaves in Anhua County. 2020 Muyang Buds is our latest addition from that mountain.
Muyang Mountain (木杨界 or 牧杨界) is a name that is not known by many tea lovers. It is mostly local people in Anhua County who are aware that it offers some of the best conditions for growing tea.
2020 Muzi Tianjian is our first tea from 2020 to be released. Produced in spring, it will soon be reaching one year of age at the moment we are writing this post. At this point it is still a very young tea with all the crispness and freshness that go with it.
Fu Brick Tea is a rather difficult topic. On the one hand, it is probably the most well-known and most widely available variation of Anhua Dark Tea. Indeed, it probably serves as an introduction to Anhua Dark Tea for many people. On the other hand, good quality Fu Brick Tea is not that easy to find, as it is often produced with low quality material.
We are back in China. It took us less time than we may have initially planned, but there are just too many advantages to be close to the source of our teas and ship them from there.
We are located in the big southwestern city of Chongqing, which is a very convenient hub and, since it touches Hunan Province, is close enough to Anhua County.
Regular shipping will resume around 14. February. All new orders will be shipped after this date (no changes in shipping fees).
We are excited about being able to take advantage of the new flexibility and opportunities that this move gives us.
An area in which you will probably see a rapid evolution is our selection of teaware, thanks to our collaboration with our friend who owns Rushi Yinxiang ( 如是印象 ), a brand specializing in fine Chinese teaware and accessories. Her shop in Chongqing is also our centre of operations.
If you ever happen to be in Chongqing, let us know and we will be very happy to share a tasting of fine Anhua Dark Tea with you.
This is a short post to say that we are back in Switzerland and will be shipping our teas from there during the coming months. There is no change in the shipping fees.
We also want to thank you all warmly for your support and trust during the year 2019! This year has been very important for us and we look back at it overwhelmingly satisfied, thanks to the tea-related bond we have been able to create with our customers. 2020 will be another important step in our mission to promote high quality Anhua Dark Tea …
The picture above shows logs of Qianliang Tea ageing in Anhua County.
We will be in China from 24 July 2019 until the end of the year. The online shop will of course stay open during all this time. Products will simply be shipped from China instead of Switzerland (no changes in shipping fees).
There are many factors that influence a tea’s taste and feeling. In the world of Anhua Dark Tea, the grade (size) of the tea leaves used is a key element. 2018 Dark Brick Duo offers you the opportunity to explore this aspect further
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Exquisite Leaves is the ultimate Anhua Dark Tea specialist. We select and store all sorts of premium, artisanal and aged dark teas from Anhua County. See us behind the scenes.