Among all variations of Anhua Dark Tea, Fu Brick Tea is the only one that is intentionally processed in such a way to produce ‘Golden Flowers’ (金花). These beneficial microorganisms are reputed for their healthy properties and their mellowing effect on the tea leaves. While they can appear naturally in a humid environment like Anhua County, they are not always welcome by local tea artisans, as they transform the quality of the tea leaves. However, in the case of Fu Brick Tea, ’Golden Flowers’ are an integral part of the experience.
Just the right ratio of ‘golden flowers’
While Golden Flowers are inseparable from Fu Brick Tea, a good Fu Brick is not judged by the amount of Golden Flowers it contains. Unlike many factory-produced Fu Bricks, which are completely covered with Golden Flowers, our 2017 Gongjian Fu Brick is an entirely artisanal product with a reasonable amount of Golden Flowers. This allows the intrinsic quality of the tea leaves to come through. As 2017 Gongjian Fu Brick is made with top quality leaves, it would be a shame to cover their taste with too much Golden Flowers.
Gongjian grade tea leaves
Gongjian is a grading term used for tea leaves in Anhua County. It is second only to Tianjian, which represents the highest grade of Anhua Dark Tea. These grades are usually not compressed into bricks and are mostly sold as lightly compressed loose leaves. We have been looking a long time for a Fu Brick Tea that satisfies our requirements. We are happy to be able to present to you the 2017 Gongjian Fu Brick.
Gongjian Fu Brick is a very nice and easy tea. Put a rather small amount of leaves in your thermos and add hot water, take along some dry cookies, and your dog, and go for a long walk in the autumn woods. The tea will keep you warm with its rather sweet taste, no bitter end.